Supported Living

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Call us Now +44 (0) 748 6569 092/+44 (0) 208 916 2422

Your Independence is our Priority

We provide semi-independent and 24-hour supported accommodation for respite, solo and permanent placements to individuals with various health and social needs. Our facilities offer a comfortable and secure environment where you can receive minimal to round-the-clock care and support. Whether the need is temporary respite or a long-term care solution, our supported accommodation options are designed to meet those needs. Our Supported Accommodation embraces a holistic approach, aiding those 18+ with health challenges, disabilities, behaviour issues, and substance misuse on their path to independence. Our accommodations are thoughtfully small family-type homes offering stability and security. They are tastefully decorated with all required facilities, close to local amenities and have easy access to transportation.

We're here to support you with the following Services.

therapeutic Service

Our team includes Clinical Psychologists, Cognitive Behaviour Therapists, educators, social workers, and therapists who provide effective interventions to boost emotional well-being and personal growth.

monitoring and coaching

Residents receive personalised mentoring from compassionate coaches, fostering development through tailored programs and consistent support, empowering personal growth.

independence skills

We prioritise essential life skills—financial management, cooking, cleaning—fostering independence and confidence.

24-hour care

Trained staff provide 24/7 comprehensive support, ensuring constant safety and well-being.

activity-based engagement

Stimulating activities enhance social interaction and personal development, cultivating a sense of belonging and valuable connections.

asylum seeker specialist

Our interventions aim to achieve positive outcomes, such as trauma healing, successful navigation of legal processes, enhanced self-advocacy, and the establishment of a supportive and nurturing home environment.

Our Supported Living service nurtures inclusivity, fostering growth and thriving. We empower residents for independent living with sessions tailored to individual needs, including:

Hygiene Routines | Safety Planning | Money Management | Life Skills | Healthy Relationships | Communication | Self-esteem & Confidence | Attitude | Sports and Fitness | Creative Arts | Emotional Wellbeing | Spirituality | Education & Employability | Identity & Aspirations | Health | Cooking & Cleaning

Check Out Our Accommodations

Enjoy a virtual tour experience of our exquisite accommodation facility.

Contact us to discover our enriching programs and how we can guide you or your loved ones toward independent living with our supported living services.

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